Stroller Traffic, A-List Mom and Diapers.com are hosting a fantastic Awards program right now. I've been listing my votes and commenting on the selection. But as I said before, the list is loooonnng. So I had to break it up. Here's the rest:
Ultimate Do-It-All Stroller - Baby Jogger City Series
Chicest Diaper Bag That Doesn't Look Like A Diaper Bag - Timi& Leslie {great if you are going incog-mommy and don't want your bag to advertise it contains nappies and milk and wipes and things}
Best Way To Recycle Used Baby Stuff - BrightZoo
Comfiest Infant Tub - Puj Tub {Best infant tub hands down}
Most Necessary Car Seat Accessory - Safe Fit Baby-In-Sight Mirror
Coziest Winter Must-Have - JJ Cole BundleMe
Best Diaper Pail - Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail
Coolest Stroller Add-On - Think King Mighty Buggy Hook
The One Thing You Can't Leave Home Without - gogo Kidz Travelmate
Most Comfortable Way To Wear Your Baby - Sleepy Wrap {a life-saver when your newborn just won't settle}
Cutest Socks To Build An Outfit Around - Trumpette
Gentlest Detergent For Baby Togs - Dapple
Best Shoes For Developing Feet - Pediped
Loveliest Layette Essentials - Pixie Lily {they make the most beautiful and softest layette...love them}
Most Darling Dress-Up Duds - Ralph Lauren {for boys, but my real vote goes to Matilda Jane, who should've been nominated}
Ultimate Street-Cool Appeal - A For Apple {their clothes for boys are actually cool and not just....strange looking}
Best Way To Score Mad Deals On Luxe Labels - Gilt Children {for the bargain fashionista in us all}
Comfiest Pajamas - Hanna Andersson {their PJs are amazing. they are super soft and last FOREVER even after many many many many MANY washes in HOT water. love love love them}
Most Durable Basics That Don't Look Like Basics - Mini Boden
Best Inside Track On Kids' Wear Trends - Child Mode
Best Place To Connect With Other Moms - MomsLikeMe
Most Addictive Celebrity Baby Site - Celebrity Baby Scoop
Top Go-To Resource For Expecting Moms - The Bump
Coolest Design Ideas For The Nursery - Nursery Notations
Yummiest Toddler Recipes - Weelicious {this has been such a big help for me because I have such a hard time coming up with new meal ideas for my little ones}
Sleekest Family E-Zine - Babiekins magazine
Best DIY Announcements And Invites - Tiny Prints {there are lots of imitators now but Tiny Prints is still the best}
Most Trustworthy Product Reviews - CoolMomPicks
Smartest Family Travel Tips - PoshBrood
Easiest Place To Spend A Paycheck - Giggle {their store is so soothing an easy to shop in. and I LOVE that their CEO is a woman!}
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