Sunday, February 19, 2012

Babies, bottles & bubbles

I am busy mentally {and physically} getting myself ready to have a third child. Does it really take that much mental preparation you might ask? If you've had the type of pregnancies I have had, you would know the answer to that question.

The easiest part of that preparation is picking out products and clothes for this aspirational baby #3 {okay, maybe that's not part of it, but it's fun anyway}.  I was excited to stumble across a new brand/type of baby bottle called Bare Bottles.

I am a huge proponent of breastfeeding, but every mommy needs a break every now and then {and daddy wants to participate too}.  So I'm always on the lookout for bottles that support breastfeeding.  The other feature I look for is a bottle that successfully reduces or eliminates the amount of air the baby takes in. There is nothing that drives sleep-deprived parents to new depths than colic. Indeed, I don't even utter the c-word in my house during those first 3 months.

They are not on the market yet, but these Bare Bottles sound as if they will meet all of my {and baby #3's} need. The diagram above shows how the Bare Bottle nipple is more like a breast than most bottles. And they claim to have created "air-free feeding"! If they live up to all of their claims, this sounds like the mother of all bottles {and they are cute too!}. But we'll let baby trip be the judge.

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